Thursday, August 27, 2015

Orgone Pyramid Energy California

 Orgone Pyramid Energy California


How Orgone Pyramid Energy Affects People in California

I was recently asked to write this many people who reside in California who may that have actually never ever heard of or put much thought into pyramids or geometrc shapes being able to affect their everyday lives  or even believe they are merely an occult thing. Well, I am here to inform you  that the energy of pyramids is actually real thing. As a matter of fact, all geometric shapes affect our everyday lives both positively and negatively everyday. In this post I will be addressing the orgone pyramid energy as well as pyramid energy on a whole

Is it really possible for pyramid energy to help enhance your health? Yes. Pyramids can not by themselves heal you but a pyramid can create the environment where the person can heal a lot faster. One of the things people do not consider when looking at this science of pyramids is the fact each pyramid size and angular momentum provides a different energetic frequency that can and will affect the person positively or negatively. So, although I stated early that pyramids can help enhance one’s health. It is important to make sure you consult with a true geometrician that has know in the art of energy manipulation.

Do I need a physical pyramid to provide healing energy to others in need? No. Pyramid shapes do not have to be in three dimensional forms to be used for healing purposes. Two dimensional pyramids can be drawn and place on the person or under the person that you are attempting to provide that additional healing energy too. This method  can also be used to enhance meditations.

Please note, two dimensional shapes do not have the same energetic strength as those that reside in our three dimensional realm. So it is important once again to consult a professional in this arena.

Does my pyramid have to be Orgone Pyramid to work? Absolutely not! All pyramids work. The key to building pyramids is to understand the materials you are using to create the pyramid as well as knowing the purpose of the actual pyramid size and angular momentum. Failure to understand this can affect you negatively.

If you do not want to build your own pyramid please seek out a skilled geometrician. Most people today believe that the people they see online who create beautiful Orgone Pyramids are actually knowledgeable about energy manipulation. From my experience 99.9% of the people I have encountered do not have adequate knowledge in the arena of energy manipulation. Pyramid building is a serious art and should be taken very seriously.

What many of the pyramid builders today do not understand is that pyramid energy has spin. Knowing how to place the pyramid you are using to get the desired result is just as important as creating the pyramid. Before I move on I will explain briefly what I mean when I say spin. Universal energies either move with a right-handed spin or a left-handed spin. Right-handed spins is a slowing down process that can be considered feminine energy. A left-handed spin is an accelerated energy which will speed things up. This is a masculine energy. So understanding how and where to place your pyramid when healing or clearing negative energy is extremely important.

Last thing I want to address in regards to this matter is, knowing and understand the personality of the geometric shape you are working with. Most people get confused with thinking the attribute of a geometric shape is the personality of the shape. Just like humans inanimate objects also have personality as well. Having a someone skilled in this art can will help you better understand the type energy you looking to engage with.

Here’s an example of what I mean. If you look at a family that has two parents and three children and the parents raised their kids to look at life specific way. Now, each child has a different outlook on the way their parents raised them. Although, they all received the same upbringing from the same source but each (parents) each child is different and handles situations differently.

The same rules apply when building geometric shapes like pyramids, in particular Orgone/Orgonite Pyramids. Majority of the orgonite pyramid builders use various metals not truly understanding their relationship and temperament to one another. Instead it seems to me many of them are more concerned  with bullet points about orgone pyramids and what they think it does.

I want to be clear, I am not saying the orgonite pyramids on the market do not work. What I am saying is that majority of the people building seem to care more about make beautiful art under the guise of healing which in turn creates geometric shapes that may hinder or hurt someone’s energetic being and corrupt their environment’s space.

 San Francisco, CA Counties that are experiencing Pyramid Energy

San, Francisco, CA 94101 San Francisco County California
San, Francisco, CA 94102 San Francisco County California
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San, Francisco, CA 94188 San Francisco County California

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